The SOW (School of Worship) has been on outreach for a few weeks now and is travelling around the islands of Indonesia, ushering in the presence of God and doing grassroots evangelism.
The SOW will be going to East Timor next Monday. Only 4 in the team will be going to East Timor, because the rest didn’t bring their passports and some haven’t got their passport yet.
We met the DTS of UofN Bali who also had their outreach in Kupang and we had a great time of ministry among the youth together yesterday. Many youth recommitted their live to Jesus, we prayed for healing and some of them experienced healing right there.
In Kupang we mostly prayed and worshipped in the city, did house visits, shared testimonies and talked with people and prayed for them in houses and cell groups.
Last week, we visited a house of a friend, and one of her daughter has a mental disorder for about 18years. From what they believe, it started when she took a shower during day time in a particular river where there are magical and dark powers. Most of the people who did the same as her got the same problem. They’ve asked many people to come and pray for her but she is still the same.
We started by had a time of worship together with the kids of the area and also with her and her mum and sisters.
Then we prayed for her. Although she didn’t get completely healed we could see a change in her face, there was a smile in her face. We plan to visit her again before we are going back. We are still trusting God for miracles healing and restoration over her spirit and soul. Her sister is committed to invite God’s presence in the family daily.
We are looking forward for more opportunity to share about God and praying for people. One of the things we felt God wants to do to the people of Timor is to send HIS FIRE again, to fire them up, to burn the coldness of the heart again and to rise them up to live as God wants. They need God’s fire, so that’s our prayer. That HIS fire will consume their heart, so that they may be radically obedient to his voice and love their Creator with all their heart, soul, mind and strength.