The School of Worship just finished their outreach in Indonesia and Timur L’este. Here is one more praise report from the team.

“Praise the Lord, because of Him we were able to do the impossible during this SOW outreach. He used us to bless the local people according to what is on His heart. Through what we experienced in this outreach we could understand more about how worship can bring change to people, the nation and the nations of the earth.

One of our experiences is when we had a time of worship at the beach where a lot of people come to hang out in the afternoon. During our worship time and declaring who God is in that place, suddenly a group of young people came to us and joined us in singing songs. Even though they didn’t know any of those songs we believe that God has begun to work in that place and also planted a seed in their hearts. An awesome thing that happened was when we lifted up our hands they also do the same thing. After that we ended up teaching them a song and the actions of that song. When we were about to finish in that place, one of our friends in the team felt to pray for 3 kids that were fighting with each other. She started a conversation with them and asked their name, etc. She used the opportunity to share about Jesus and pray for them. The great thing is that they wanted to receive Jesus as their savior. Hallelujah!!! Now we can only pray that they will get the full revelation and understanding of who Jesus is in their lives and that they will be discipled. Remember, that God always enthroned on our praises. Amen!”

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