The Introduction to Primary Health Care school has been on outreach putting to practice that what they have learned during the lecture phase. Below are some of their stories as they where helping people and showing God’s love.
In an area that’s closed to the gospel, we were asked by a local family to help their teenaged son who had bad wounds from an accident. We cleaned and bandaged him up but when we returned later it was dirty again! The family said they did not do anything to it, but when we opened the bandages we saw rice and leaves had been put on the wound – a clear indication that the witch doctor was involved, and it was now infected. We told the family there was no infection last time we were there so something dirty must had gotten in after that. We cleaned and dressed the wound and told them that it must stay unopened. We were not sure what they would decide. When we arrived the next day they told us they had discussed the situation and told the witch doctor to stop coming and that only we would be allowed to help. They were upset it had gotten infected and asked us to come back every day to care for it and to pray.
It was difficult to see 2 serious cases of tumors in just 2 weeks. One lady looked 8 months pregnant – but was not. Her tumor had grown that big in just 2 months. The other young woman had a massive facial tumor – almost the size of her head. Both of them were very thin and were seriously ill. We did all we could: give multi-vitamins, pray for them and ask our local contacts what could be done. We continued to follow-up with our contacts asking about these women, and a few days after we left that area we heard a praise report! Local politicians went to visit the lady with the abdominal tumor and brought her to the local hospital where she just underwent surgery. They plan to visit the 2nd woman soon.
We went to one remote village that was 2 hours away from the town where we were staying. The drive took us through a river and down terrible roads, but it was worth it to see the smiles and joy on the faces of the local people when they saw us arrive. They had organized a special welcome for us and presented us with gifts. They said that that they had been praying for a long time that a health care team would come to help them, and that God had heard their prayers and brought our team to them. We saw about 150 patients that day, some with common ailments and others with serious illness, and God granted us wisdom for each patient. It was very humbling to hear that we were the answer to their prayers.