When I was teenager I really want to be a photographer. Because I was from a simple family, I thought it was too much to ask my Mum for a good camera. My parents could not afford expensive things such as that.

After I graduated from high school I got my first phone camera. I was so happy. I took many pictures of flowers, myself, and of just everything. But as time went by I forgot about my dream to be a photographer, I thought it took too much training and a professional camera was too expensive, my parents could not afford it anyway. So I stopped dreaming.

Long story short I did a YWAM DTS (Discipleship Training School) and joined the media department at UofN Bali. There I was amazed at how I could learn photography. 

Four things that God showed me through photography:


1. God created each person special with a cultural beauty of his own.


The more I capture faces, the more I see how beautiful and unique God created each one of us. How unique is each person’s hair, facial line, eyes.  I used to think and value people according to the world’s standards. Many times when taking pictures now God has shown me the beauty of his  diversity in creating each one of us.

“The more I capture faces, the more I see how beautiful and unique God created each one of us.”

2. God created this world in awesome beauty.

In Indonesia this beauty is seen in incredible landscapes, beaches, mountains and sunsets. Once I did not enjoy staring at God’s scenery. I did not realise how beautiful stars, sunsets, mountains and beaches could be. But now I’m awestruck by them. I’ve learned what God is like when I woke up to His beauty. He is creative and He is as faithful as the sunrise and sunset. I’ve seen that His love is as deep as the oceans and as high as the mountains. I’m amazed at how God Has used photography to help me see what He is like.

“He is creative and He is as faithful as the sunrise and sunset.”

3. Moments are precious

Capturing the perfect moment is an irreplaceable experience. Things happen only once in a lifetime. Every moment of life is precious to me when seen through God’s lenses.

“Capturing the perfect moment is an irreplaceable experience.”

4. My childhood was healed.

When I was little I wanted to be a photographer and it is happening now. At one point when I was holding a professional camera God took me back to my childhood. There were things I thought I would never do. But now I am doing them! I am in awe of how God works. He fulfilled a dream I had and at the same time He opened my eyes to see the unique beauty and majestic splendour of everything He has made.

by K. Jelfa, Media Staff

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